Sarah Shahi Sexy Nude Pictures from Hacked iPhone Selfies. Here are some leaked nude photos of actress Sarah Shahi that were among the second wave of leaks from the celebrity iCloud hacking scandal. The actress who is best known for her roles in "Fairly Legal," "Life," "The L Word" and "Alias" has reportedly become the latest celebrity to fall victim to the celebrity leaked nude photos hacking scandal. Highly personal and private photographs from her mobile phone were uploaded on the Internet a few days ago. The nude photos are apparently from when she was filming the movie "Bullet To The Head" because of the temporary tattoos on her body. The tattoos on the woman's body seen in the leaks match perfectly to the tattoos on the character Sarah played in the 2012 film. But the images are not from the movie but rather seem to be topless and nude photos Sarah took of herself in a bathroom or dressing room in a trailer on a movie set. Other photos show her nude from behind without the temporary tattoos. You can see more nude pictures of the other female celebrities affected by this scandal at the following links including the alleged.
Aahoo Jahansouz "Sarah" Shahi (Persian: آهو جهانسوز سارا شاهی, born January 10, 1980 in Euless, Texas, U.S.A.) is an American television actress and former NFL Cheerleader. She played Kate Reed in the USA legal drama Fairly Legal in 2011–2012 and currently stars as Sameen Shaw on the CBS crime drama Person of Interest. She has also appeared as the female main role in Life, and in supporting roles in The L Word and Alias. Sarah Shahi Sexy Nude Pictures from Hacked iPhone Selfies